Siddha Vaidyam & the Kitchen Medicines

Siddha Vaidyam is not just the oldest and the first medical system that ever existed since the prehistoric period but its a science and proof of intense spirituality and Siddhars show the immense possibility of a human beings.

This medicine was developed by the scientists of ancient days named Siddhars who gained their knowledge through deep meditation and thus arousing the serpent power that is hidden within every human. These are humans who have reached the blissful state of human life and achieved the state of ultimate knowledge.

The natural ingredients of the Siddha health system herbs are much better and free of side effects than the factory made chemical stuffed products. Simple Siddha remedies can be very effective in relieving symptoms, and preventing further development of a disorder. Anything that is easily available in your kitchen or around your home, and has a medicinal use, may be used as a kitchen and home remedy. When used for medical purposes, herbs, vegetables, fruits, spices, grains and oils are understood to be home remedies.

May Lord Vaitheesvarar bless you with greater health and wealth
~ Vijayakumar Alagappan

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aavaaram Poo

Benefit of Aavaaram Poo

Decoction, made up of Aavaaram panchangam (leaf, flower, fruit, stem bark and root bark) is highly useful for Diabetes.

Powder prepared from Aavaaram flower and Green gram is a good bath powder for skin ailments and it will improve complexion.

Fine powder of seeds to be mixed with coconut oil or gingili oil and its extract could be applied for eye disorders.

Decoction of the stem bark is a useful gargle for oral ulcers (Aphthous ulcer)
Bath oil prepared from this root is a useful remedy for all the pitha complaints and body heat because of its cooling effect.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one, you people can also take help from the Pure Goji Berry Juice as this can also help you in maintaining good health and balanced blood pressure and blood sugar levels for long healthy life.
