Thursday, April 4, 2013

Miracles of Kadukai

Benefit of Kadukai - by Vijayakumar Alagappan
-         One- teaspoon full Kadukkai (Terminalia chebula) powder with hot water during bedtime will give relief from constipation.
- Mix a glass of milk with kadukai powder every night before going to bed. This is
very useful home remedy for heart care.

Kadukkai balances the three doshas. People who take Kadukkai in the prescribed methods can safeguard themselves against stomach ailments and live a long and healthy life.

Kadukkai is used in preparation of excellent remedies for digestive disorders, and kayakalpa. It induces appetite. It strengthens the stomach and helps in expulsion of fecal matter. It clears skin diseases, insect bites, and is used in treating jaundice.

Diseases cured by Kadukkai: Excessive urination, wounds, cough, jaundice, excessive thirst, impotency, liver diseases, leucorrhea, excessive bleeding, piles (hemorrhoids), stomach ache, indigestion, mouth ulcers etc.

People who should not take Kadukkai: People who have fasted, pregnant ladies, people with loss of digestive capacity.

Decoction of kadukkai helps in eye problems and excessive urination.

Kadukkai powdered and used for brushing your teeth stops bleeding of gums. It strengthens the gums and cures all gum diseases.

A kadukkai taken a day in the morning, for a year retards ageing and it is said grey hair would turn black.

Kadukai powder is avalable at IKS Academy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via registered postal service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301


  1. sir by mistake the image you have uploaded is not kadukai its jathikkai

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi RK it is Kadukkai and not Jathikai ( NUTMEG ) , please look into the real kadukkai and the picture ...

  4. Hi my baby is two months old.Can a breastfeeding mother can take kadukkai for constipation

  5. mom is in diabetic she take kadukkai podi at night?
