Thursday, November 15, 2012

Arugampul - Bermuda Grass

Arugampul  -Bermuda Grass
Arugampul has interesting medicinal properties. The grass has the ability to purify blood and cure stomach ailments. Arugampul juice or powder increases hemoglobin levels and has good effects on anemic pregnant mothers. It is an excellent supplement for lactating mothers. It boosts Prolactin and so increases the quality and quantity of breast milk.
Arugampul contains more than 65% of chlorophyll . This helps in increasing the number of red blood cells in our body. It contains protein, fiber, calcium and phosphorus and potassium. It helps in maintaining the alkalinity of blood as it reduces acidity. It helps resists attacks of cold and is quick in removing phlegm.
Legend associated with offering of Arugampul to Lord Ganesha
Arugampul benefits :
The juice of this grass is applied over eyes for eye diseases.
For epistaxis, the juice of this grass is applied as nasal drops.
The juice of samoolam is applied externally over the swellings which tend to bleed. Hence the bleeding stops when applied.
The grass along with manjal or turmeric is ground and applied over skin diseases like scabies, fungal infections etc

For bleeding piles this grass is ground and boiled with milk and consumed.
The juice of the samoolam if consumed regularly provides strength to the nervous system. This medicine is also good for psychiatric diseases like unmatham (hyperactivity disorder), fitz.
The decoction prepared from one fistfull of this grass, half parts of vettilai or betel leaves and 1/4 parts pepper is an excellent blood purifier.
How to prepare juice:
Arukampul Health
Pluck the grass 1" above from the roots. The plucked grass should be washed first, crushed to extract the juice and consumed with water as Arugampul Juice. The herbal juice is rich in vitamin A, fibre, minerals and other nutrients. The juice extract is an effective diuretic and it is used as a relief for flatulence. The health benefits of Cynodon dactylon juice include antiviral and antiseptic properties. Diabetes patients benefit from the juice and it influences blood glucose levels. The juice also reduces body heat and used to treat urinary tract infections.

Arugampul is also found to be effective in curtailing blood loss. Be it blood loss due to an injury, or nosebleed, or excessive menstrual flow, these all can be treated with Bermuda grass or arugampul. In case of injury, arugampul paste can be applied on the wounded area. A couple of drops of Bermuda grass juice can help nosebleeds. Regular intake of arugampul juice is found to cure excessive menstrual flow.

Note :

 Be sure that you pick the right species (grass). Use only native Indian species that grows in wild (it usually creeps on side wards). Never attempt to try with your Arugampul from the lawn (although same species, its hybrid - has modified genes).

Pure Arugampul powder is available at IKS Academy 

Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via courier service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301


  1. Hi Vijaykumar! Thank you so much for your post. After reading it I am sure I need to consume it. I am 24 and look good just from the outside, but am not so healthy. I am anemic and afraid that I might have to face a lot of health issues when I get pregnant in future. But I cant fathom where to buy this grass thats the original and not a hybrid. How would I know whether its a hybrid or original and where can I but it? I live in Chennai. Where can I buy the seeds so I can have it grown in my house for a continuous supply? Your advice in sincerely appreciated. Thanks again!

  2. thanks for the information for providing us .... ji

    thanks to you very much :)

  3. Thank you Sri Vijaykumar for such an informative article. I have known the use of arugampul during prayers especially for Lord Ganesha. Of course this plant grows mostly in the wild. Its medicinal values is less known; I would like to know how its medicinal value is related to our Hindu traditions and beliefs of offering this plant our Lord Ganesha. Please enlighten also on Vilvam and neem and Betel leaves

  4. after drinking arugampul how long i shouldnot drink or eat anything? will it improve skin tone?

  5. Very Interesting and useful articles. Keep up the good work !!
