Siddha Vaidyam & the Kitchen Medicines

Siddha Vaidyam is not just the oldest and the first medical system that ever existed since the prehistoric period but its a science and proof of intense spirituality and Siddhars show the immense possibility of a human beings.

This medicine was developed by the scientists of ancient days named Siddhars who gained their knowledge through deep meditation and thus arousing the serpent power that is hidden within every human. These are humans who have reached the blissful state of human life and achieved the state of ultimate knowledge.

The natural ingredients of the Siddha health system herbs are much better and free of side effects than the factory made chemical stuffed products. Simple Siddha remedies can be very effective in relieving symptoms, and preventing further development of a disorder. Anything that is easily available in your kitchen or around your home, and has a medicinal use, may be used as a kitchen and home remedy. When used for medical purposes, herbs, vegetables, fruits, spices, grains and oils are understood to be home remedies.

May Lord Vaitheesvarar bless you with greater health and wealth
~ Vijayakumar Alagappan

Friday, March 29, 2013

Benefits of Karuva pillai - Curry Leaf

Herbal benefits of Karuva pillai - by Vijayakumar Alagappan 

Curry leaf tree is a small unarmed tree, which has highly aromatic leaves. It has a dark grey bark and closely crowded spreading dark green foliage. It grows up to 4-6 m tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter. The leaves are impari-pinnate, alternately arranged, obliquely ovate or somewhat rhomboid with 11-21 leaflets, each leaflet 2-4 cm long and 1-2 cm broad

Image result for curry leaves powder

The leaf is used in South India as a natural flavouring agent in various curries. The leaves are said to have properties that would bring value as an anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-hypercholesterolemic etc. Preparations of Curry leaves are also useful in hyperdipsia, burning sensation, pruritis, in many skin diseases, and also in suppurating ulcers.The Karuva pillai leaves has vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and iron in plenty. This is an ideal herb for people suffering from the ill effects of diabetes. Diabetes patients often suffer from frequent vertigo. There may be aches and pains in the upper and lower limbs coupled with impaired vision. These patients should take curry leaves at frequent intervals to overcome these problems. Kashayam made of curry leaves dried in shade and powdered is a very potent remedy that helps stabilize glucose levels in a diabetic patient.

1. For Bloated abdomen and nausea (feeling to vomit) : Take 5 to 6 Curry leaves, chop and crush them well. Mix well in a glass of butter milk and take whenever needed.
Daily intake will reduce burning sensation of body, heartburn, indigestion, tiredness and exhaustion.

2. For morning sikness : Prepare lemonade with honey. Mix half teaspoon of Curry leaf juice in it and drink.

3. For High Cholesterol : Take 5 to 6 curry le...aves, grind it well with 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and make it into a small pill. Take this empty stomach or with breakfast or dinner.

4. Using Curry leaves in daily diet will help you get rid of increased Cholesterol and over weight.

5. To reduce weight 8 to 10 leaves can be taken daily with food or drink. If the taste is not an issue. it can be taken fresh.

6. Oil prepared from Curry leaves is a good stimulant for hair growth and prevents greying of hair.

7. Daily intake prevents cancer as it inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.

8. Eating 5 to 6 fresh leaves daily improves eyesight.

9. Half to One teaspoon of dry leaf powder can be taken once or twice to increase Haemoglobin level, promote hair growth.

10. Taking Curry leaves daily makes the skin glowing and beautiful.

 Use curry leaves powder as a substitute for fresh curry leaves in curries and fries

Organic curry leaf powder is available at IKS Academy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301

1 comment:

  1. Curry leaves are a simple spice but known to have many health benefits. They are a rich source of vitamin A, calcium and folic acid and among other things can prevent early development of cataract. Not only do curry leaves reduce or stop hair fall, they also stimulates the digestive system, and relieve nausea & heartburn. Read more benefits of curry leaves on the Prestige SmartChef website.
