Friday, March 29, 2013

Kitchen herbs for digestion

Today even for a most simple health issue like fever, diarrhoea, indigestion or cough etc people depend medicines even without the prescription or consultation of a doctor. Repeated dose of these medicines or self medication can lead to long term damage to both physical and mental health. Taking medicines uselessly makes one ressistant to most of the drugs and also manifest as various side effects. Team Siddham insists and requests all our readers to maintain their own kitchen herbal store to tackle less serious and day to day health issues or diseases. Through this, one can avoid huge medicine bills and also improve their confidence over herbs and herbal medicines. Beleive it or not Kitchen spices which we use daily to garnish our dishes, parathas and bevarages are of great medicinal value. These Kitchen wonders not only add taste but also provides various health benefits. Here are a few health remedies through Kitchen herbs

Turmeric ( Manjal ) :
 According to latest research, Turmeric is rich in antioxidants. Regular consumption helps to fight diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s , joint inflammation, respiratory diseases etc. It is an excellent liver tonic and even helps to heal the hepato- cellular damage caused due to alcohol and drugs. A pinch of turmeric in hot milk helps to heal wounds and treat cough and cold. Turmeric is an excellent blood purifier. In skin ailments like eczema, itching, unknown toxic bites, paste of turmeric with neem leaves is very effective. In Siddha, regular consumption of turmeric cures the diseases caused due to derrangement of three humours( vatha, Pitha and kapha).

Cumin seeds ( Jeerakam ) :
Jeerakam is a very good appetizer. It reduces excessive body heat and specially used to treat Pitha diseases. Used in Curries, soups and snacks. Cumin seeds or jeera helps to boost the immune system and a very good source of Iron. It treats indigestion, nausea. Water boiled with jeera or cumin seeds is very beneficial for patients suffering from Hypertension and Pitha ailments. Siddha medicines used in treating digestive complaints, Vatha and Pitha ailments contains jeerakam as one of the major ingredients. Example: Ashtavarga choornam, Panchadeepakini choornam etc.

Asafoetida ( Perungaiam ) :
 An aromatic flavouring agent used especially in South Indian curries and one of the most medicinal one too. Very helpful in indigestion and dyspepsia. Used in various Siddha Medicines given for infertility and menstural irregularities, Asthma, Kapha rogam. This spice has a pungent taste and used in very little amount in dishes. Excess of this powder can cause nausea.

Coriander ( Malli ) :
  A good digestive, anti pitha agent and very good for kidney ailments. Regular consumption of powdered coriander seeds improve digestion and cures digestive ailments and increased pitham or internal heat. Water boiled with few seeds can be consumed during painful menstural cramps. Siddha medicine known as malli chhornam is good for Renal stones( Kalladaippu), Indigestion, Pitha disorders and visual disorders. Water boiled in fistful of Coriander leaves is excelent for Kidneys. It flushes out all impurities and acts as natural dialysis.

Pepper ( Milagu / Karumilagu ) :
 It is a very good Appetizer, digestive, Carminative, Anti- Vatha, Blood Purifier and Expectorant. About half teaspoon with honey is very good for treating cough and cold. Used in curries, soups and Rasam, this spice acts as a very good digestive and helps in respiratory ailments too. This is used in majority of Siddha drugs as it is very important medicinally. Thrikadugu choornam, Thaleesathi choornam, Amukkara choornam are some examples. Used in treatment of Vatha ailments too. Instead of chilly powder this spice should be used in the diet as a must. Unlike Red chilly, this spice is healthy and safe for our body and provides benefit to all systems of our body.

Fenugreek ( Venthayam ) : 
 The seeds are used in dishes as well as Siddha medicines. The powder of seeds(1/2 teaspoon) can be given empty stomach with warm water to diabetics. Daily intake of fenugreek powder(once or twice) is very helpful in Glucose control. A pinch of fenugreek powder with buttermilk is good home remedy for diarrhoea and Gastritis. Fried and powdered seeds can be soaked in water and taken for gas trouble, diarrhoea and fever. When few seeds cooked with gruel and given helps to improve milk secretion in lactating mothers. It is also given is adequate amount to delivered mothers for lochia expulsion. It neutralises excess body heat. It should be fried and then consumed for better results.

Cardamom ( Elam ) :
 An aromatic and sweet tasting spice helpful in treating digestive ailments. Few seeds( 1-2) can be taken daily for indigestion. Used in various Siddha medicines to treat gastro-intestinal, respiratory and Vatha problems. Example: Eladi choornam, Amukkura choornam etc. It should used as a must in preparation of Sweets and Non vegetarian foods to provide easy digestion.

Clove ( Kirambu ) :
 The powdered clove( 1/2 to 1 gm) can be taken twice a day with honey to treat indigestion and cough. 1 or 2 cloves can be pressed between the affected teeth for tooth ache. Chewing 1 or two clove daily is very good for digestion. It deoderises the oral cavity and soothens itchy throat. It also improves appetite.

Commonly known medicinal value seen for all kitchen herbs is the property of Digestion. These are just a few, there are such numerous home remedies through kitchen herbs which can benefit us from diseases affecting our day to day life. If we start using these herbs as medicine right from today, we will be benefitted throughout our life as our progeny would follow the same pattern of lifestyle. Otherwise taking long list of medicines even for a simple head ache would become a trend in coming years. We wish our readers would definetely be encouraged by such an article and would develop their own kitchen herbal store – Natural Treatment and Healthy life.

Siddha Vaidhiyam - the most ancient medical system

Siddha system is the most ancient of all medical systems. The origination of this civilization dates back to 12000 years before christ. Tamil language is said to be the most ancient language as per the research work done in manuscripts. The other south-indian languages like Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada are derived from Tamil language only. The Tamil Nadu which existed several millions of years ago was a vast continent called Lemuria or Kumari kandam. The History reveals that this vast land was eroded and submerged into the sea 15000 years ago. As a result the Tamil Nadu which exist today is only a part of that huge continent. According to the books like “History of creation” and “Pre degree of man” written by Hackal, the submerged Tamil Land was the the first place occupied by mankind who were well civilized. Tamil Nadu is considered as the home of Siddhars from where this premordial civilization and medical system evolved. This system was pre-vedic and pre-aryan. It is only between 1200B.C and 700B.C. when Aryan invaded India and origination of Sanskrit and other north indian languages occured.

The excavations done in Harappa and Mohenjo-daro also reveals the existence of a civilization and medical system. The excavatory findings consisted of some siddha medicines and idols of Lord Natarajan which was worshipped as per Saiva Siddhantam which is a part of this ancient civilization. Also some vessels which were found from these places are said to be the ancient apparatus used to prepare Siddha drugs.

Hence, Siddha system or “Siddham” is the way of life which is the most ancient of all medical systems.

Years passed and this system got confined in the present Tamil Nadu, in hands of small groups of Traditional vaidhyars or practitioners. They treated the Royal kings and even provided kayakarpa treatment. Some traditional practitioners are teaching this science to their children but they have kept it confined within their families only. The secrets of preparing medicines, mode of treatment and the precious books as well as the Siddha literatures have been kept hidden by them. Even today these missing links or hidden secrets are said to be preserved in such families where this traditional system is practiced. They can’t be blamed completely for supressing these secrets. This is because of their fear of disclosing these secrets that may get misused or it may reach in the wrong hands. Hence, this medical system never flourished.

But this science was converted into a new form in Sanskrit by the Aryans and named Ayurveda. With independence, the other medical systems extended to each nuke and corner of the country.

Miracles of Nellikai ( Amla ) - by Vijayakumar Alagappan

The Richest Known Source Of Vitamin C That Can Help Fight Cataracts To Cancer


The tree is small to medium sized, reaching 8 to 18 m in height, with crooked trunk and spreading branches. The branchlets are glabrous or finely pubescent, 10-20 cm long, usually deciduous; the leaves simple, subsessile and closely set along branchlets, light green, resembling pinnate leaves.The flowers are greenish-yellow. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard on appearance, with 6 vertical stripes or furrows. Ripening in autumn, the berries are harvested by hand after climbing to upper branches bearing the fruits.The taste of Indian gooseberry is sour, bitter and astringent, and is quite fibrous. In India, it is common to eat gooseberries, steeped in salt water and turmeric, to make the sour fruits palatable.
It contains numerous beneficial ingredients, which are mainly concentrated in the edible, plum-sized fruit it produces.

Nellkai fruit, is one of the richest known sources of vitamin C - it contains 30 times the amount found in oranges.

Taking Gooseberry juice with honey is good for improving eyesight. It improves nearsightedness and cataract. It reduces intraocular tension.

 Diabetes: Gooseberry contains chromium. It has a therapeutic value
in diabetics.

Indian Gooseberry or Amla stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patient.

Amla dry Fruit & Amla Powder

Heart disease: Gooseberry strengthens heart muscles. So heart pumps blood flawless throughout the body.
Infection: Due t o its antibacterial and astringent attributes the Indian Gooseberry protects against infection. It improves body resistance.

Diarrhea and dysentery: Due to its strong, cooling and laxative properties Gooseberry is useful for remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. It is a great relief for gastric syndrome and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen).

Improving appetite: Consuming Gooseberry powder with butter and honey before meal improves appetite. It helps in balancing Nitrogen level and thus increases weight in a healthy way.

Anti aging: Amla prevents health related hyperlipidaemia through attenuating oxidative stress in the ageing process. The fresh fruit contains more than 80% water, protein, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It is also used as remedies for fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, urinary problems and respiratory problems.

Some benefits of Nellikai - Amla
1. Drinking fresh fruit juice daily helps to cure increased body heat, burning sensation of body, gastritis & digestive problems.
2. 20 ml of Amla juice daily with meals is an excellent liver tonic.
3. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of dry fruit powder twice daily purifies blood. Cures Hyperacidity, wounds & ulcers.
4. Daily intake of the fruit reduces Cholesterol, improves
Haemoglobin, enhances immunity & acts as a powerful Antioxidant.
5. 20 ml of fruit juice with honey early morning improves eyesight.
6. 20 ml of Amla juice with 20 ml of Bitter gaurd juice daily helps to manage glucose level in Diabetics.
7. Massaging scalp with oil prepared with the dried fruit acts as a hair tonic & induce good sleep.
8. Checks th bad effect of ageing factors.
9. Very effective for in diabetic patients.
10. Enhances the physical and mental development.
11. Checks the unwanted greying & fallin of hair.
12. Control the blood pressure.
13. Gives the extra energy in pre & post natal periods. (specially in lactation period).
14. Increases the haemoglobin percentage in the blood.
15. An excelent blood purifier and increases the beauty of the body.
16. Specially useful in Skin diseases.
17. Amla is powerful food for the brain.
18. Studies show that Amla helps lower cholesterol
 and many more ...

How to take for best results
The recommended dosage is 10 ml juice / 1 teaspoon powder taken twice a day at mealtimes. There are no known contraindications, but as always you should check with your practitioner before taking it.

You can get pure Nellikai juice and powder at IKS Academy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via registered postal service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301

Benefits of Karuva pillai - Curry Leaf

Herbal benefits of Karuva pillai - by Vijayakumar Alagappan 

Curry leaf tree is a small unarmed tree, which has highly aromatic leaves. It has a dark grey bark and closely crowded spreading dark green foliage. It grows up to 4-6 m tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter. The leaves are impari-pinnate, alternately arranged, obliquely ovate or somewhat rhomboid with 11-21 leaflets, each leaflet 2-4 cm long and 1-2 cm broad

Image result for curry leaves powder

The leaf is used in South India as a natural flavouring agent in various curries. The leaves are said to have properties that would bring value as an anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-hypercholesterolemic etc. Preparations of Curry leaves are also useful in hyperdipsia, burning sensation, pruritis, in many skin diseases, and also in suppurating ulcers.The Karuva pillai leaves has vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and iron in plenty. This is an ideal herb for people suffering from the ill effects of diabetes. Diabetes patients often suffer from frequent vertigo. There may be aches and pains in the upper and lower limbs coupled with impaired vision. These patients should take curry leaves at frequent intervals to overcome these problems. Kashayam made of curry leaves dried in shade and powdered is a very potent remedy that helps stabilize glucose levels in a diabetic patient.

1. For Bloated abdomen and nausea (feeling to vomit) : Take 5 to 6 Curry leaves, chop and crush them well. Mix well in a glass of butter milk and take whenever needed.
Daily intake will reduce burning sensation of body, heartburn, indigestion, tiredness and exhaustion.

2. For morning sikness : Prepare lemonade with honey. Mix half teaspoon of Curry leaf juice in it and drink.

3. For High Cholesterol : Take 5 to 6 curry le...aves, grind it well with 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and make it into a small pill. Take this empty stomach or with breakfast or dinner.

4. Using Curry leaves in daily diet will help you get rid of increased Cholesterol and over weight.

5. To reduce weight 8 to 10 leaves can be taken daily with food or drink. If the taste is not an issue. it can be taken fresh.

6. Oil prepared from Curry leaves is a good stimulant for hair growth and prevents greying of hair.

7. Daily intake prevents cancer as it inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.

8. Eating 5 to 6 fresh leaves daily improves eyesight.

9. Half to One teaspoon of dry leaf powder can be taken once or twice to increase Haemoglobin level, promote hair growth.

10. Taking Curry leaves daily makes the skin glowing and beautiful.

 Use curry leaves powder as a substitute for fresh curry leaves in curries and fries

Organic curry leaf powder is available at IKS Academy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301

Benefits of Papaya fruit

Papaya is one of the most commonly available plant. It is highly medicinal enriched with numerous health benefits. In other words papaya is a power house of nutrients.

Constituents : Vitamin B, Folate, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Fiber, Anti-oxidants.
Fat, Carbohydrates, Proteins in traces.
Health Benefits of papaya leaves and fruits are discussed below :

Raw Fruit :
1. Unripe fruit or raw fruit contains a digestive enzyme Papain which enhances digestion, relieves abdominal colic, and prevents the infection of colon.

2. Half to one tablespoon of juice of the raw fruit with honey is beneficial and helpful to cure intestinal worms. Regular intake of boiled fruit expels the worms especially Pin worm.

3. For menstrual irregularities like absence of menstruation raw papaya can be taken regularly. It also acts as a Uterine tonic and cures ailments pertaining to reproductive organs. However consumption of the fruit should be avoided during pregnancy as it may lead to abortion.

4. People suffering from hypertension are benefited if consume this fruit regularly.

5. It is a diuretic and also helpful in treating spleenic and hepatic disorders.

Ripe Fruit :
1. Rich in fiber so a good laxative. If taken regularly for one or two months as a part of diet, it promotes weight loss.

2. Rich in Anti-oxidants and Vitamins, it relieves inflammation in diseases like arthritis, asthma etc.

3. As cholesterol free, it supports Cardiovascular system.

4. Rich in Vitamin A, C, and E it protects the body from Stroke and cancer.

5. According to FNRI (Food & Nutrition Research Institute) Vitamin C content of Papaya is more than that of Orange.

6. Rich in Vitamin A and Carotene so prevents eye from age related macular degenerative diseases and prevents loss of vision.

7. Ripe papaya pulp with some fresh milk is an excellent face pack. It moisturizes the skin and removes blemishes.

Leaves :
1. 15 grams of leaves (washed and mid rib removed) should be crushed well and added with 200 ml of water, decoction or infusion is prepared and filtered. If taken daily before going to bed it expels intestinal worms.

2. Recent research proves the leaves are very effective against Dengue fever. Leave after washing properly and removing the mid- rib should be ground well with water and extracted juice can be filtered and taken in the dose of 8 to 10 ml 3 to 4 times a day. It helps in restoring the normal platelet count and decreases fever in Dengue.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Vilvam Fruits and Leaves

Vilvam or Koovalam
“According to Hindu mythology this sacred tree symbolizes Lord Siva”.
Botanical name : Aegle marmelos

Astringent, Anti-microbial, Anti-diabetic, Digestive.

Siddha Medicinal Uses :

Unripe fruit of this tree is very good for digestive problems. When the fruit is half ripe (green) the pulp is taken and dried in Sun. This is then powdered and preserved 3 to 10 grams can be taken twice or thrice a day to cure diarrhoea, dysentry and worm infestation. It is also a very good source of vitamin C and treats scurvy.

Ripe fruits is nutritious and laxative. The pulp of ripe fruits can be seived well and seeds are removed. It is a very good for toning the Intestine and cures constipation. In North India, Sharbat or drink is prepared from the seived pulp of Vilvam, milk and sugar. It is a very good drink perticularly in Summer season.

1. 20 g of paste of the leaf taken orally, followed by bath in cold water, will stop excessive menstrual flow.

2. Parched tender leaves, given as fomentation, will cure soreness, pain, reddishness and irritation of the eye.

3. Crush and boil 20 g of tender leaf of vilvam, dried ginger, pepper and cumin seed in 1 litre water and reduce to 100 ml. Its consumption will cure any kind of fever.

4. Half teaspoon of dried leaf, pounded and powdered, taken in half a teaspoon of honey in the form of a paste in the morning and evening will clear hoarse voice, headache, persistent pain in the head, cough and cold, asthma and dropsy.

Siddha Medicine, Vilvam tablet is good to treat Hyperglycemia.

Oil prepared from Vilvam leaves, gingelly oil and pepper is good bath  oil if massaged regularly over the vertex before bath helpfull to treat Kapha problems.

            Oil prepared from leaves and gingelly oil can be used as Ear drops for Ear problems.

5. Half a teaspoonful of dried leaf, mixed in ghee, consumed in the morning and evening, will provide relief from irritation of stomach, excessive acid secretion, stomachache, gastric ulcer, constipation, loss of appetite, irritation in the urinary tract, leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea.

6. One teaspoonful of powder of the leaf mixed with one teaspoonful of karisalankanni, taken daily, will cure jaundice quickly.

7. The tender fruits (10 g) ground in curd and given daily will cure dysentery and ulcer in children.

8. 1 g of powder of dried pulp of the fruit, mixed with a little sugar, and taken three times a day will cure dysentery, diarrhoes and loss of appetite.

9. Ripe fruit, mashed with water, filtered through cheese cloth, mixed with sugar, boiled to honey-like consistency and taken at a daily dose of 30 ml, will cure vomiting due to excess acid secretion, irritation in the respiratory tract, piles, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery.

10. 10 g of green bark of root ground with 1 g of cumin seed, mixed with milk and filtered through cheese cloth, taken in the morning will be an excellent energizer and a general health tonic.

Decoction of Vilvam leaves is good for peptic ulcer.

Leaf juice 10 to 15 ml can given daily for treating Diabetes.

Leaves can be soaked over night in water then ground well next morning and given with the remaining water to Diabetes patients.

Powder of leaves and Turmeric powder can be given in the dose of half teaspoon twice or thrice a day to treat Megha neer katti, Diabetic ulcers etc.

Vilvam powder is available at IKS Academy Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via registered postal service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301