Thursday, November 15, 2012

Arugampul - Bermuda Grass

Arugampul  -Bermuda Grass
Arugampul has interesting medicinal properties. The grass has the ability to purify blood and cure stomach ailments. Arugampul juice or powder increases hemoglobin levels and has good effects on anemic pregnant mothers. It is an excellent supplement for lactating mothers. It boosts Prolactin and so increases the quality and quantity of breast milk.
Arugampul contains more than 65% of chlorophyll . This helps in increasing the number of red blood cells in our body. It contains protein, fiber, calcium and phosphorus and potassium. It helps in maintaining the alkalinity of blood as it reduces acidity. It helps resists attacks of cold and is quick in removing phlegm.
Legend associated with offering of Arugampul to Lord Ganesha
Arugampul benefits :
The juice of this grass is applied over eyes for eye diseases.
For epistaxis, the juice of this grass is applied as nasal drops.
The juice of samoolam is applied externally over the swellings which tend to bleed. Hence the bleeding stops when applied.
The grass along with manjal or turmeric is ground and applied over skin diseases like scabies, fungal infections etc

For bleeding piles this grass is ground and boiled with milk and consumed.
The juice of the samoolam if consumed regularly provides strength to the nervous system. This medicine is also good for psychiatric diseases like unmatham (hyperactivity disorder), fitz.
The decoction prepared from one fistfull of this grass, half parts of vettilai or betel leaves and 1/4 parts pepper is an excellent blood purifier.
How to prepare juice:
Arukampul Health
Pluck the grass 1" above from the roots. The plucked grass should be washed first, crushed to extract the juice and consumed with water as Arugampul Juice. The herbal juice is rich in vitamin A, fibre, minerals and other nutrients. The juice extract is an effective diuretic and it is used as a relief for flatulence. The health benefits of Cynodon dactylon juice include antiviral and antiseptic properties. Diabetes patients benefit from the juice and it influences blood glucose levels. The juice also reduces body heat and used to treat urinary tract infections.

Arugampul is also found to be effective in curtailing blood loss. Be it blood loss due to an injury, or nosebleed, or excessive menstrual flow, these all can be treated with Bermuda grass or arugampul. In case of injury, arugampul paste can be applied on the wounded area. A couple of drops of Bermuda grass juice can help nosebleeds. Regular intake of arugampul juice is found to cure excessive menstrual flow.

Note :

 Be sure that you pick the right species (grass). Use only native Indian species that grows in wild (it usually creeps on side wards). Never attempt to try with your Arugampul from the lawn (although same species, its hybrid - has modified genes).

Pure Arugampul powder is available at IKS Academy 

Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via courier service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Liver - the most important organ in our body

Did you know that your liver is responsible for over 500 vital tasks in the body?

The most important organ in our body is not heart or brain but your liver. One of the primary ways in which your body expels toxins is through the liver. The liver constantly detoxifies and cleanses your body, by filtering the blood of impurities that enter through the digestive tract, skin or the respiratory system. However, when the liver gets overworked due to stress, and exposure to toxins, your entire system can get upset, and your health may get compromised.

As liver is the organ responsible for bile production, another form of detoxification that is metabolically necessary for breakdown and assimilation of proteins and fats, it is important that your liver be well-maintained. Without a well-functioning liver, your body will be unable to cleanse itself and absorb nutrients, a recipe for health disaster.

Liver is the construction house of thousands of enzyme systems responsible for performing every activity in the body. A healthy liver is vital for proper functioning of eyes, brain, heart, gonads, joints and kidneys.

Why is the liver important?
The liver is important because it stores and mobilizes energy in your body by controlling blood sugar, regulating fat storage and aiding digestion by producing bile. It also regulates blood clotting by manufacturing blood proteins and filters blood to eliminate bacteria and poisons in the system. The liver breaks down drugs, stores minerals and produces vitamins such as Vitamin D and Iron.

Karisalankanni (Eclipta prostrata) is considered a powerful liver tonic
in Siddha Vaidhiyam medicine

How to keep your liver healthy ?
Karisalankanni is the herb of choice in treating liver diseases. This herb grows in marshy areas throughout the year. There are two varieties of karisilankanni, one has yellow flowers and the other white. The yellow one is more potent. Karisalankanni is most effective when eaten raw. It can also be dried in shade and powdered. As karisalankanni starts working in the system, it sets right the liver and cures jaundice, fatty liver, splenomegaly, hemorrhoids, indigestion etc. Regular intake strengthens the inner organs.

Other uses of Karisalankanni herbs:

1. It is good for teeth, skin and hair.
2. It induces appetite.
3. It aids digestion and helps expel fecal matter from the large intestines.
4. It heals ulcers.
5. It cleans the liver and encourages secretion of bile.
6. It cures inflamed liver also called fatty liver.
7. It expels intestinal worms, cures coughs and asthma, and tones the body.
8. The yellow variety is said to be particularly good for the skin and eyes.

Pure Karisalankanni powder is available at IKS Academy 

Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

- Low Price
 Our minimum order is only RM 30.00 and shipping start at RM 6.00(Peninsular) and RM8.00(East Malaysia).

- Fast Delivery
All orders are sent via courier service.

For Inquiries Call us @ 013 350 5903 / 012 910 7301

Friday, August 24, 2012

Acu Pressure Points on Your Palm - Do it Yourself

Press with thump for 5 seconds & release for 3
seconds, in d affected point. Re
peat for 2-3minuts, for 5 to 10 days. u wil get releif....dont
forget to share...its nothing may be usefull to
some one

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Science & Art of Drinking Water

How to drink water

Drinking water every hour once in a tumbler - South Indian cup measurement (1/4 of our stomach) for 
heaty (pittham) type body and half tumbler for watery (kapham) type body during day time 
especially during summer seasons and at tropical climate countries will balancing your chakra's heat and protect your 
organs. Most of the time the root cause of physical malfunction happened because of the excess of 
radiated from the chakras (chakras are energy 
vortexes center located along spinal column which will 
radiate heat for life existence). In some cases a 
particular chakra can spin faster and radiate excess of heat. 

 So the proper way to drink water is not 7 to 8 glasses of water p/day, since the glass sizes are many but 1/4 stomach at a time and to drink every hour once (We should be aware that, there are many 
people died because of water retention in
 lungs). I hope Siddha tradition followers will start to share this important message around that one should take only 
1/4 stomach of water at a time at the 
interval of every 1 hour.            
In most cases of throat infections, your tonsils get swollen up. At this point, most doctors suggest that you get them removed as they cause unnecessary pain and discomfort. They consider it another "useless" organ like the Appendix, and thus want to get it out of the way.

Rather than being a cause for concern, the tonsils actually act as a barrier. They prevent whatever infection you have incurred from entering your digestive system, thus keeping any serious problems at bay. But they get swollen up in return.

Now, you must have noticed that in India, it is considered bad manners to sip the glass/tumbler. Such a glass would be become invalid for further use unless it is properly washed. The basic reason that will come to your mind is that why should someone drink from a used glass? But there is a deeper significance...
Though, the primary reason is to avoid any infections to be communicated from one person to the other, another factor that must be considered is the regular cleansing of your tonsils. When you drink water bending your neck and let it flow from top, it obviously flows over your tonsils and cleans them. Thus, it will wash away unnecessary food particles and maintain your throat in order.

Importance of Water Storage

Drink water from Earthen pots during day time 

 If water is being violently pumped and is travelling to your house through many turns in pipes, with all these pressures bends and turns, much negativity happens to the water. But while water has memory, it also has a way of unfolding itself back into its original state. If you just leave this tap water undisturbed for an hour, the negativity will undo itself. After much experimentation has been done on water the researchers have found that water has memory where it remembers everything that it touches. 

That is why our forefathers of South India are very concerned with how we store the water. When it comes to storing water, the earthen pots occupy the primary position. 
Storing water in an earthen 
pot is the best method. Earthen pot not only makes the water chilled during summer but also provides healing elements of Earth. More importantly the earthen pot transfers the coolness to the water according to the 
climatic conditions; which is the special quality of earthen pot that no other container has. The chilled water 
of earthen pots during summer has no other replacement in quenching the thirst and satisfaction of drinking 

Drink water from copper Vessel at Night time

 If you keep water in a copper vessel, preferably overnight or at least for three to four hours, the water acquires a certain quality from the copper which is very good for your liver in particular and your health and energy in general. Drinking water stored in copper vessel have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and kills micro organisms. The water becomes a valuable electrolyte to maintain balance in our electrical body, and gets energized making it more bio-available and tastier.

Miracles of Copper Metal

Siddha Masters acclaimed copper as one of the most valuable elements in earth. They referred copper as Lord Shiva’s energy transmission element. In many siddha books we can notice, they have mentioned copper been vastly used in various spiritual rituals compared to silver and gold. Siddha Master Korakar states if Gold and Silver considered as body then copper will be the soul. There is a rule written in scriptures, those who crafting metallic statues of gods, must include certain percentage of copper in it. Otherwise the sculpture will not have the ability to transform divine energy.